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Financial Services
For many companies, extending credit is an integral part of doing business. Not only can extending credit encourage sales and give companies a competitive advantage, but it can also build customer loyalty and deepen customer relationships.
However, extending credit can also expose a company to financial risk if customers are delinquent in their payments. Thus, it is important to have sound policies and processes in place to effectively evaluate customer creditworthiness, set appropriate terms, and manage delinquent accounts. We at RHK Credit Services Business Credit Solutions offer credit risk account monitoring in New York. We will work with you and monitor your accounts with clear communication to help avoid confusion about expectations or commitments, which can lead to late payments and create tension between you and your customer. We make sure payment terms are clearly documented and understood. Call us today to set up an appointment at 631-773-4450. You can also visit our website at rhkcredit.com to know other services we offer.